Saturday, July 13, 2013

This is how it begins

This is how it begins.

Eternity, being incomprehensible to laity-at-large; human events are understood in terms of finite beginnings and endings.

This is how it begins: a bass drum kick; or ethereal keyboards, starting hazy and coming into focus; or an off-kilter organ riff; or effect-laden guitar leads backed by plaintively strummed acoustics.

This is also how it begins: with high inside heat; with a called strike on the outside corner; or with a sharply-lined single up the middle; or with a sixteen-hop worm burner.

Alternatively, it begins with: a long tracking shot; or a tight close-up; or a wide-angle landscape view; or, unoriginally, with rolling opening credits.

It could also begin with: a breath; or a single step – possibly even a leap; or a glance; or a lump in the throat.

This is how it begins: with a birthing cry; or the germ of an idea; or with fever, aches and pains.

This, too, is how it begins: with organic matter bombarding the atmosphere and interacting with water; or with rapidly expanding sub-atomic particles; or with the Word; or words.
This is how it begins. What comes next is the tricky part.

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